Day 2. Present Perfect / Past Simple VS Present Perfect Continuous / Past Continuous
Today we will learn one of the most confusing topics of high level. This is the difference between Present Perfect / Past Simple & Present Perfect Continuous / Past Continuous
Step 1: Come up with a story about your achievements. Give 5 examples of the achievements you've already accomplished and 5 - you haven't yet. Use the vocabulary of the day and the example task as a guide. Or you can also retell the story from the example below. Step 2. Record an audio or a video story and send it to the Telegram chat of your group. Step 3. Sign the task with hashtags #Day2 #namesurname #audio (if it's an audio) #Day2 #namesurname #video (if it's a video)
1) I have bought a car. But I haven't bought a house. 2) I have found a dream job. I started working there 2 months ago. 3) I have decided to visit the gym regularly. 4) I haven't learned English yet, but I started a Grammar marathon at Study Less.
Day 2. Present Perfect / Past Simple VS Present Perfect Continuous / Past Continuous
Today we will learn one of the most confusing topics of high level. This is the difference between Present Perfect / Past Simple & Present Perfect Continuous / Past Continuous
Step 1: Come up with a story about your achievements. Give 5 examples of the achievements you've already accomplished and 5 - you haven't yet. Use the vocabulary of the day and the example task as a guide. Step 2. Record an audio or a video story and send it to the Telegram chat of your group. Step 3. Sign the task with hashtags #Day2 #namesurname #audio (if it's an audio) #Day2 #namesurname #video (if it's a video)
1) I have bought a car. But I haven't bought a house. 2) I have found a dream job. I started working there 2 months ago. 3) I have decided to visit the gym regularly. 4) I haven't learned English yet, but I started a Grammar marathon at Study Less.
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